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US, China Planning for Next Leaders’ Call in ‘Coming Weeks’: White House

President Joe Biden and Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader Xi Jinping will speak in the “coming weeks,” the White House said, following two days of talks in China between U.S. national security adviser Jake Sullivan and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi.
The two also discussed holding “a theater commander telephone call in the near future,” according to the White House statement.
While Sullivan reaffirmed the U.S. commitment to “defending its Indo-Pacific allies,” the White House stated, it does not appear that the Chinese regime will back down from its aggressive actions against Taiwan and the Philippines.
According to the Chinese readout, Wang said the United States should “stop arming Taiwan and support China’s peaceful unification” of the island and should not support the Philippines’s “infringement actions” in the South China Sea.
“If there’s an announcement that they will meet, that there will be a summit, that will be a sign of success.”
Regardless of who the next U.S. president will be, Wilder said the Sino–U.S. competition won’t end.
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), ranking member of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, called on Sullivan to secure the release of U.S. citizen Mark Swidan from a Chinese prison.
Cruz added: “Hostage-taking is how Third World dictatorships act. It is long past time for them to free Mark and return him to his mother and family.”
“Allegations of human rights violations, including torture, need to be fully investigated,” OHCHR spokesperson Ravina Shamdasani said in the news briefing. The human rights office has continued to call on China “to take prompt steps to release all individuals arbitrarily deprived of their liberty,” she said.
